Benefits of Neem and Onion Oil from Seer Secrets in 2020


Neem and onion are a natural byproduct of the neem and onion tree, a type of evergreen that primarily grows in India. The neem and onion oil is pressed from the tree’s fruits and seeds.

This both “wonder plant” has been extensively used in traditional medicine and has proved anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

But can using neem and onion oil from seer secrets result in a better scalp and hair? Here’s what the research says, how to use it:

How neem and onion oil from seer secrets supposed to benefit your hair?

Anecdotal reports suggest that neem and onion oil can:

     health your scalp.

     support healthy hair growth.

     temporarily seal hair follicles.

     calm frizz.

     decrease grays.

     decrease dandruff.

     use head lice.

Many of these cases have yet to be studied through clinical research, so its overall efficiency is unclear.


Here's how you can use neem and onion oil for a variety of your hair distress.


1. Hair Loss and Balding:

Neem and onion oil high fatty acid content is extremely beneficial for scalp health. A healthy scalp is one of the prime requisites for strong hair. This is where neem and onion can prove to be a hero, especially for those who have been undergoing increased cases of hair thinning and balding. Excess sebum (oil) results may also trigger hair loss by closing the holes of the scalp. The closing further gives rise to pain on the scalp that takes a toll on your roots, damaging them. Washing hair with neem and onion water helps clean the scalp. It also clears the clogged holes and enhances hair growth.

What to Do?

The regenerative properties of neem and onion oil could be put to its best use with easy neem and onion oil head massage. Experts believe that massaging your scalp with neem and onion oil can increase the blood circulation in the scalp and help in improving the hair growth rate. You can also mix neem and onion oil with any of your favorite carrier oils (like olive, coconut, jojoba, etc.) for effective results.


2. For Dandruff

Dandruff is one of the most common scalp conditions faced by millions across the world. It is caused by a parasite, Malassezia, which feeds on sebum and the dead skin cells which occur naturally due to the production of new skin. While the phenomenon is natural, the problem occurs when the parasite starts eating too much into the scalp.

What to do?

Massaging hair with neem and onion oil is one of the most effective solutions to beat dandruff. Neem and onion oil from seer secrets are available across many stores. However, you can prepare it at home too. Rub this neem and onion oil gently on your scalp, allow it to stay overnight and wash it off in the morning with a mild shampoo.


3. For Lice:

Getting rid of lice is no easy feat. Also known as Pediculosis capitis, these tiny people live on human hair, feeding on tiny amounts of blood they draw from the scalp. Neem and onion oil is one of the best options suggested by experts to treat lice. We believed that neem and onion oil from seer secrets is rich in active component azadirachtin, which helps disturb the insect life cycle.

What to do?

Massage your scalp well with neem and onion oil and leave it overnight. Next day, wash your hair with a mild shampoo.


Not just in India, the world too is slowly taking to the wondrous benefits of Neem and onion oil on hair and skin, It is your time to put it to use and see the effect for yourself.



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