Everything about green tea.

Since the ancient time people who drink tea have seen to be healthier than some others who don't but it's only recently that the benefits of tea, specially green tea has been researched scientifically.  One must know what's in their cup and about it before drinking, so let's take a look at it.

Tea has such healthy benefits due to presence of high amount of flavonoids present in them, which are a kind of antioxidants. And tea has proved to be one of the best food source belonging to a group known as 'CATECHINS'. Catechins are better than some of the best vitamins and help in reducing the oxidative damage of body and also posses other anti-disease properties.

I'm not saying tea will make you immortal or the most healthiest person with zero disease, it depends on your daily life habits and healthy diet. But tea is surely part of healthy diet, an important one.

While searching for a best Green Tea to drink, search for brands which use all-natural ingredients and zero artificial preservatives. Also, try and opt for these 2 varieties of green tea whenever possible which are said to be best green tea :

• MATCHA; The leaves of this green tea is grind up in fine powder which you can whisk in water and make tea. Now as you consume actual powdered leaves it provides much more antioxidants than others.

• HOJICHA; These are tea which are made by roasting green tea leaves until they are black. They're picked at the end quarter of the year and heated a lot, it contains less caffeine content.

Try to avoid tea bags, and try to use actual leaves or powder instead, ehich are much more fresh than one in bags. While making tea por the hot water directly over leaves and get them to release all their nutrients imto that cup, using teabags doesn't reduces the reach of water and less contents are released. Even if the tea bag is the only option try to cut it open and pour hot water directly over the content. Don't overheat or boil the water stop just before it starts to boil and let tea leaves react for 3-4 minutes.

You can consume maximum of 3-5 cups of green tea a day and better if you drink between meals at an hour interval between them since it might disturb full digestion. Green tea apparently helps control glucose levelsn your blood, slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating. This can prevent high insulin spikes and resulting fat storage.Now you know why they're said to reduce fats.

Green tea has some good amount of caffeine though not as high as coffee but enough to show the effects in your body. It contains an amino acid L-Theanine which when present with a bit of caffeine improves brain function. It has the ability to lower cholesterol levels and protect LDL fromoxidation. In simple words you'll have a more healthy heart and less cardiovascular disease if you drink green tea.

It highly increases the body's metabolic rate which in turn helps in more fat burning and reduce weight.  They have compounds which can protect you from cancer to some extent and different types of cancers. Tea catechins are strong antibacterial and antiviral agents which make them effective for treating everything from influenza to cancer. Be disease free with green tea. It also reduces your risk to diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. It brings a feeling of satiety which reduces hunger and you eat less food.

I hope that this has been an insightful introduction as to what green tea is and how it's necessary. There are many benefits to consuming best green tea to drink which are organic, and have less preservatives. But most importantly, best green tea for health are better for your health, and they work. And work in a way that lasts a lifetime.


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